Show off your talents at Hennis Care Centres! From game playing to crafts & baking, to making deliveries and reading, there are endless ways to volunteer at Hennis.
We are always open to new ideas and would love to hear how you can volunteer. We invite you to read the numerous ways you can get involved and also the latest "Volunteer Highlight" listed below. Remember, you can volunteer any amount of time you choose - from a 1/2 hour a year to 365 days a year. It's all up to you!
To get involved in our volunteer program or to learn more about it, please click here or contact our the Activities Department at Dover at 330.364.8849 or Bolivar at 330.874.9999.
To get involved in our Volunteer Program click here!
Volunteer Highlight
Mary B. Menges - July/August 2008
• Ceramics - help to finish final touches
• Nail Mania - polish ladies' fingernails
• Transporting - pushing wheelchairs to and from events or to and from therapy
• Baking - assist with baking activities
• Musical Entertainment - perform musical programs either solo or in groups
• Game Players - play along with cards, board games, etc.
• Walker - assist with walking groups, walk along side someone or push a wheelchair
• Popcorn Cart - assist making popcorn and/or help distribute to residents
• Spelling Bee - assist with announcing words, offering hints and praises
• Shopping - assist residents on shopping outings or be the purchaser for someone
• Hang Calendars - help hang monthly activity calendars in residents rooms.
• Reader - read to a resident
• Bowling - assist bowling by throwing the ball, retrieving it and resetting pins
• Trivia - ask trivia questions, offer hints, praise
• Arts & Crafts - help the residents make items, help finish items
• Driver - for group outings, individual